Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ampcorp#18 - Playtime

It’s been pretty hectic so far in 2011.

There are a lot of saucepans on the boil.  I am a notoriously bad chef.  

It was beginning to stress me out until I realised that that was stupid.

OK - I’ll admit that we’re just making this up as we go along and haven’t really got a plan together about what we’re doing, but you know what – that’s ok.  What we might lose in maximising profits we make up for in the good old fashioned experience of play.  

Because, you see, that’s what all this is.  It’s a kind of playtime.  

After observing my kids closely for quite some time,  I realised that that was what was missing when you become a grown-up. You stop playing. And playtime is when you find out things.  Playtime is when you are at your most inventive and imaginative.  Playtime is not stress time.  Playtime is plugging back in to a place where you don’t really have boundaries to what you’re doing.

The perversions of grownup society come to eradicate playtime.  That is a shame.

Life should really be a kind of extended playtime.  Maybe it’s preparing us for something else.  Who knows?

So anyway - we’re committed to playtime.  And we will pursue playtime until we run out of cash...

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